Chatbot Guidebook

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Submit your chatbot builder and we will do a review of it.

Add your product

Write product name.

Write a short description within 250 characters.

Please include the protocol: e.g. https:// or http://

PNG or JPG, up to 2MB

PNG or JPG, up to 2MB, Size: 400px * 400px

Key in the cheapest price to start using your product per month.
Price should be in USD.
For example: 29.

Maximum number of messages your APP can handle per month.
For example: 20000

Which LLM model does your chatbot use?

Which data sources can you chatbot read data from?

Do your app provide API access?

Do your app provide free trial?

Do your app provide demo for users to try out before purchasing?

Do your app provide chat histories for site owners to examine?

Can users customize the appearance of the chatbot widget?

Does your app provide multiple languages support?

Chatbot Guidebook